1984 Citations

Cities Afloat, KMOX, St. Louis. MO

The station's round-the-clock coverage of storms and tornadoes that wrought havoc in the St. Louis area and left 37 counties devastated.

First Amendment Issue, WFBG, Altoona, PA

A series of reports on what happened when a county judge excluded the media from jury selection for a trial of a Mafia criminal figure.

They Served with Honor, WMAL, Washington, D.C.

The keystone of extensive coverage of week-long activities in Washington preceding the dedication of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

Five Faces of Poverty, WRAL, Raleigh, NC

A documentary series on the increasing number of people at the poverty level.

Dioxin: A Special Report, KYTV-TV, Springfield, MO

A historical analysis and change-making report on the poisoning of the Southwest Missouri Ozarks.

A Battle of Minds, WHA-TV, Madison, WI

A report on religious cultists and their de-programmers.

These Troubled Waters, WLEX-TV, Lexington, KY

A report on an environmental health issue -- contamination of water supplies.

Nursing Homes, KPRC-TV, Houston, TX

An investigation into the abuses in nursing homes and flaws in state regulations.

The Flood of '83, KSL-TV, Salt Lake City, UT

A documentary on how local communities were affected by devastating floods and mudslides.

Project Children, WCCO-TV, Minneapolis, MN

A special two-week block of programs -- documentaries, series reports and an audience participation town meeting -- examining the state and future of children of the 80s.

Babies Shouldn't Die, WFSB-TV, Hartford, CT

A total station campaign over a three-week period that addresses causes of infant mortality.

The I-Team, Willie Monroe and KYW-TV, Philadelphia, PA

Investigative news coverage of abuses and mishandling from City Hall to Pennsylvania's Liquor Control Board.

The Last Campaign of Lady Jane, WBBM-TV, Chicago, IL

The inside story of former mayor Jane Byrne's unsuccessful campaign for re-election.

A Gift for Serena, WDIV-TV, Detroit, MI

The story of how a nine-year-old child, afflicted with cerebral palsy since birth, learned to talk with the help of a computer.

Closeup: Oh, Tell the World What Happened, ABC-TV

At Sabra and Shatila, more than 700 Palestinian refugees were massacred. This "Closeup" documentary searches for the answers to why the killings occurred, how they happened, and who was responsible.

Bataan: The Forgotten Hell, NBC News

Interviews with Americans who survived the 60 mile, six-day Bataan death march in April 1942 and three-and-a-half years of imprisonment.

Frontline: In Our Water, Meg Switzgable and WGBH-TV

An investigative documentary, five years in the making, that describes how chemically polluted drinking water alters the lives of a family.