Arctic Sinkholes
The NOVA team explored strange phenomena occurring across the Arctic, and followed the scientists seeking to understand the issue, in this chilling reminder of the threat of climate change to our planet.
Frozen solid for thousands of years, the Arctic permafrost is thawing, setting off a dangerous chain of events around the world. Throughout the last decade, residents of Siberia’s Yamal Peninsula have reported massive holes appearing in the frozen tundra, including one more than 80 feet wide and 150 feet deep — big enough to swallow a building.
Scientists have learned that these “sinkholes” aren’t sinkholes at all, but rather the result of underground explosions of methane, the main ingredient in natural gas. And they’re becoming more prevalent as climate change causes the planet’s permafrost to thaw. Watch the entry here
Executive Producers: Tom Adams, Justine Kershaw, Julia Cort, Chris Schmidt
Senior Producer: Al Blane
Producer/Directors: Nick Tanner, Brice Habeger
Editor: Alethea Lindsay
Assistant Producer: Charlie Jones
Line Producers: Katie Harmsworth, Aleid Channing