Kept Out - Reveal, PRX, PBS NewHour, Associated Press
This painstakingly researched exposé on modern day “redlining”- denying mortgages and home loans to people of color - analyzed over 30 million records to provide a meticulous, multi-platform indictment of today’s banking system.
Host: Al Letson
Executive Producers: Kevin Sullivan, Amanda Pike, Sara Just
Senior Reporters/Producers: Katharine Mieszkowski, Laura Starecheski
Senior Producer: Richard Coolidge
Editor/Senior Producer: David Ritsher
Senior Reporter/Correspondent: Aaron Glantz
Producers: Rachel de Leon
Field Producers: Jaywon Choe, Leah Nagy
Reporter: Emmanuel Martinez
Data Reporters: Angeliki Kastanis, Sinduja Rangarajan, Eric Sagara
Chief Content Officer: John Barth
Editor in Chief: Amy Pyle
Senior Data Editors: Jennifer LaFleur, Michael Corey
Director of Audience: Hannah Young
Senior Digital Producer: Sam Ward
Data Editor: Meghan Hoyer
Senior Radio Editor: Deborah George
Lead Sound Designer: Jim Briggs
Sound Designer: Fernando Arruda
Production Manager: Mwende Hinojosa
Freelance Developer: Allison McCartney