The 13th Step
New Hampshire Public Radio
Reporter Lauren Chooljian revealed a toxic culture of sexual misconduct in a local addiction treatment network and faced threats, broken windows and an ongoing legal brawl in retaliation for her reporting.
Host, Senior Reporter/Producer: Lauren Chooljian
Lead Show Editor: Alison MacAdam
Senior Reporter/Producer, Mixer, Original Music: Jason Moon
News Director: Daniel Barrick
Senior Editor: Katie Colaneri
Fact-Checker: Dania Suleman
Artwork, Web Design, Distribution: Sara Plourde
Director of Podcasts: Rebecca Lavoie
Contributing Editors: Casey McDermott, Taylor Quimby
Intern: Callan Tansill-Suddath
Legal: Sigmund Schutz, Jonathan Mermin, Simon Brown
President/CEO: Jim Schachter