The Line - Apple TV+ | Jigsaw Productions
With stellar production, "The Line" situates the listener in the gray areas of warfare, and explores the often tragic origins and endings of the men the U.S. sends into the most dangerous situations. Listen to the full program here.
Jigsaw Productions
Host: Dan Taberski
Executive Producers: Dan Taberski, Brad Hebert, Stacey Offman, Joey Marra, Richard Perello, Alex Gibney
Producer: Lizzie Jacobs
Supervising Producer: Whitney Johnson
Editor: Jody Avirgan
Investigative Producer: Diane Hodson
Production Coordinator: Olivia Rosenbloom
Apple TV+ Podcasts
Apple Executives: Kyle Wasserman, Molly Thompson, N'Jeri Eaton
Consulting Producers: John Schmidt, Annie Allen, Jeff Zimbalist
Associate Producers: Maria Luisa Tucker, David Iversen
Production Assistant: Emilie Van Blarcom
Fact Checking: Natsumi Ajisaka
Engineer: Rick Kwan
Original Music: Mark Orton, John Hancock
Additional Music: Jeff Baxter, Eric Phillips
Additional Team: Andrew Hafnor, Jade Lewis, Eric Mittan
Interns: Olivia Butler, Zahra Kahn, Sarah Fineman, Lily Levy-Epstein
Consultant: Rachel Van Laningham
Legal Services: Jay Ward Brown, Merrit Jacob, Jessica Farkis
Special Thanks: Andrew Carroll