We Don’t Talk About Leonard
ProPublica & On the Media | WNYC Studios
In this podcast series, ProPublica and On the Media documented the rise of Leonard Leo from a suit-and-tie-wearing fourth grader to the most influential conservative who single-handedly transformed the American judiciary from top to bottom.
ProPublica Reporters: Andrea Bernstein, Andy Kroll, Ilya Marritz
Editor and Executive Producer, ProPublica: Jesse Eisinger
Editor and Executive Producer, WNYC: Katya Rogers
Senior Producer, WNYC: Molly Rosen
Producer, WNYC: Shaan Merchant
Technical Director, WNYC: Jennifer Munson
Composer, WNYC: Jared Paul
Fact Checkers, ProPublica: Andrea Marks, Hannah Murphy Winter
Managing Editor, ProPublica: Tracy Weber
Editor-in-Chief, ProPublica: Steve Engelberg